Summertime inspires travel of all kinds. Sleeping under the stars in tents. Building sandcastles and reading books on the beach. Joining the masses at National Parks.

When you hit the road this summer, take writing practice with you. Here's how:

  • Pack a writing notebook and fast moving pen. Bring it everywhere you go - on hikes, to the beach, out for ice cream, beside your pillow at night. 
  • Use these prompts, writing for ten minutes or two pages back and front of a notebook:
    • What I packed with me. Then write it's opposite, what I left behind. Know that these prompts can be written in the literal sense or more metaphorically.  Write this in the first day or two of your trip or while in transit (on the plane, at a roadside cafe, etc).  
    • I'm looking at. A Natalie Goldberg classic prompt, use this everywhere you go while traveling: when you're sitting on a bench in a busy harbor waiting for a ferry, when you're eating lunch on the mountain peak you just ascended. Record bits of conversation, "sketch" people you see.
    • I remember. Write in detail what you remember about a favorite memory of the day. Use concrete detail and sensory perception.

Happy writing!
