Natalie Goldberg's book Writing Down the Bones cracked open how the craft of writing was taught in our country. Each week we’ll study this classic text together, then apply the wisdom we glean to timed writing sessions.
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natalie goldberg
Getting tossed away means not practicing. What tossed away looks like for me.
What happens when we focus on commonplace objects in writing?
Writing practice isn't easy to explain.
Natalie Goldberg calls it monkey mind. Steven Pressfield labels it resistance. Elizabeth Gilbert describes it as fear. Regardless of the name, the concept is the same: it's the thing that stands in the way for so many of us wanting to accomplish a writing goal.
Your life, in six words.
Be specific. Not tree, but ponderosa. Not sandwiches, but corned beef. How do we teach ourselves to write with more specific detail?
Dive deep into a writing practice this fall by joining a writing group.
Verbs bring energy to a sentence. You don't need to ring your hands on every verb, of course, but sprinkling some eyeball-stoppers here and there will invigorate your work.